Sensor-Based Bronchoscopy Training allows the student to practice bronchial inspection using standard bronchial viewing equipment. Our graphic interface gives the student the ability to graphically visualize, in real time, the bronchoscope position along with the named bronchial region and node placement of the scope. Time elapsed and the percentage of nodes viewed are displayed. A saved file retrieves the motion and time taken by the student.
Newsletter - Vol 1
November 2018
Newsletter regarding new products that will be introduced at IMSH 2019

Sensor-Based Novice
Bronchoscopy Trainer

Contact Us
Phone: 1-888-722-7224
Sensor-Based Novice
Airway Trainer
Sensor-Based Airway Training that allows the student to receive immediate feedback
during their intubation session. Feedback of the entrance into the trachea, cuff inflation pressure, bagging pressure and frequency, right main stem, esophagus entry, cuff deflation and ET removal, are given. For SGA insertion, cuff placement and inflation, as well as bagging pressure & frequency are shown. The program also shows the total time of intubation, and the intubation exercise is saved to a CSV file for later review.

Mae is our first modular pediatric airway manikin. She has completed beta testing at leading pediatric centers and will be showcased, and product release, at IMSH, January 26th, 2019.

We are creating a 5 month old, female, Native American, infant airway manikin to debut at IMSH 2019. Our design is a full body and will include modularity that not only will provide for airway changes but also for future additions such as bronchial inspection.
About Us
7S³ Understands That The Best Health
Care Treatment Begins With Comprehensive,
Realistic Training.
Through collaborations with educators and health care professionals and leveraging more than forty years of experience in material selection and precision manufacturing,
7S3 has developed a continuously evolving line of innovative, high-fidelity products, providing the premier training platform for airway management.
Our flagship airway trainers features a modular design, facilitating an expandable portfolio of pathologies making it the premier educational tool for health care professionals.